More trust in Sars since Kieswetter’s appointment

Sinesipho Schrieber writes that public trust in the South African Revenue Service (Sars) has seen an upsurge under new head Edward Kieswetter, according to research by South African Citizen Surveys. Its research shows that 60% of South Africans in the second quarter have some degree

Talk Radio 702 interview with Reza Omar

Reza Omar was live on Radio 702 to explain the methodology behind the South African Citizens Survey (SACS) including how and where it’s conducted and analysed. Listen to the interview here:  

Ramaphosa’s positive poll: A signal to act on corruption?

Stephen Grootes explores Cyril Ramaphosa's favorability rating in this Daily Maverick piece.     President Cyril Ramaphosa’s strong 62% approval rating — high for a sitting national leader — is good news for a president under pressure from multiple political opponents. And yet, should he fail to act decisively against

Public confidence: Malema loses favour, but what about Ramaphosa?

In a study conducted between April and June 2019, the survey reveals that while public confidence in the ruling party may be diminishing, Ramaphosa has managed to receive high favourability among the country’s citizens. To read the full article in the City Press, click here.  Picture: President

Small but vocal part of SA is xenophobic

Ernst Mabuza’s TimesLIVE article explains that there is a small - yet highly vocal - minority in South Africa with extreme anti-foreigner sentiment.   This is according to research conducted by Citizen Surveys, which was commenting following a spate of attacks on foreign nationals in some parts

Too much infighting, instead of fixing SA: Citizens rebuke leaders

TimesLIVE writes that political parties are losing public trust for squabbling rather than dealing with burning challenges, while the once squeaky-clean SA Revenue Service (SARS) and the public protector’s office are also falling short in the eyes of the public. This is according to the June insights