The count is in… only 47% of SA voted, but where’s the good in that?
“South Africans are saying that the time for political parties making promises is coming to an end – the country now wants action and tangible results,” writes Brent Lindeque in GoodThingsGuy citing the latest data insights from Citizen Surveys.
Strategic Research Director, Reza Omar, says, “Just under 17.7-million votes were cast in the election, indicating that an approximate 18.2-million South African adults abstained from the election altogether. Of these adults, just over 9.1-million didn’t register to vote and just over 9.1-million of the registered voters did not turn up at the polls. In short, only about half of adults voted in the election. I believe this level of abstention brings the legitimacy of our democracy into question.”
To read the full Good Things Guy article, click here.