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Millions, mostly young and poor, not interested in registering to vote

A recent article by Andisiwe Makinana published on Times Live points out that ahead of the elections expected in May there are about 11.2-million unregistered voters - and 4.5-million of them say they do not intend to register. A significant proportion are young, relatively poor and

‘Young people in this country don’t feel that they are heard’

Bongani Bingwa of 702 speaks to DA Federal Youth Leader Luyolo Mphithi and EFF Student Command President Peter Keetse. The youth need to register and cast their votes. They will energise the body politic and ensure that they help to give South Africa a new vigour

Dalk moet EFF nie dekking kry

Is the media helping the EFF to gain the public traction that they are achieving? This is the question posed by Amanda Gouws in her article in Die Burger. Click here to read more: Dalk moet EFF nie dekking kry - Amanda Gows

Auditor General’s battle for accountability needs political backing

A recent article by Joachim Wehner and Dan Berliner in the Daily Maverick makes a bold statement that, "If the government is serious about tackling corruption, it must support the use of the enforcement powers of the Auditor-General that the audit bill envisages, by ensuring that

Citizen Surveys: The direction of South Africa and economic conditions

In a recent article by Andile Sicetsha, originally published in The South African. He provides a grim look into how South Africans perceive the future of the country. All information used was taken from the South African Citizens Survey. Citizen Surveys has published a qualitative study,