How surveys are conducted – Radio 702 interview with Reza Omar

Clement Manyathela was joined by Reza Omar, Strategic Research Director of Citizen Surveys to talk about the how surveys are conducted. The interview looks at various topics and observations on sample design and methodology, national representative sampling and the transparency thereof. The interview then delves into

Survey shows unemployment crisis haunting SA youth

As South Africa celebrates Youth Day on the 16th June, the Cape Argus raises the topic of youth unemployment and the importance of tackling this very real challenge. Read more here:   Picture: A national survey among young people has found that the majority of youth are worried

SAfm Sunrise with Stephen Grootes

Reza Omar and Stepen Grootes had an extended half an hour in-depth interview to discuss what has been happening in South Africa over the past 15 years, with pertinent insights into the mood of the nation. To listen to the three part interview, click on the


Reza Omar took part in a live panel discussion aired on eNCA at the Desmond and Leah Tutu Foundation in Cape Town to discuss the post Budget2020 and the impact on SOE’s, policy uncertainty and possible downgrades as well as whether South Africa’s trust in