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200 studies.





200 studies.




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Our history and pedigree

Citizen Surveys, founded in 1996, is a marketing and social research company that conducts both quantitative and qualitative research.


We operate nationally and internationally, and have worked with a wide array of clients including private sector corporations, government departments, universities, non-governmental organisations, and development agencies.


Our team brings together diverse skills from different fields to offer a multi-disciplinary approach, and is supported by experts in sampling, statistics, social, economic and political research, customer satisfaction, monitoring and evaluation, and marketing.


We are guided by scientific rigour to produce accurate and reliable research that helps decision-makers to develop creative solutions and strategies. Ultimately, we want to contribute towards products, services, programmes, and policies that will benefit and uplift the citizens of South Africa.


“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”


United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights



Most of our work comes from client referrals and repeat business, which bear testament to the quality of our work.


We specialise in national and longitudinal research studies, and have been awarded some of the largest monthly research tracking studies in South Africa. In support of this, we have established a national fieldwork footprint and efficient and innovative systems, tools and technology.


Certified quality management systems are in place, with multiple quality controls and transparency at all levels of our operation. The data for one of our tracking studies is audited bi-annually by the Auditor-General and is used as official statistics.


We are 100% black-owned and female-owned and we have the highest category of B-BBEE accreditation (Level-1).

Our values

We believe in integrity: we follow scientific research principles and methods to ensure accurate and reliable data that can be used for crucial decision-making.


We believe in partnerships: collaborative relationships shaped by openness, trust, and mutual understanding. Our size allows us to provide a personalised and dedicated service.


We believe in teamwork: working hand-in-hand with our clients and with their customers, citizens, voters, and employees to contribute to knowledge, upliftment, and opportunity.


We believe in empowerment, by giving every citizen a voice to be heard, from the cities to the far-flung rural parts of our country, through our research and surveys.

Our brand promise

We are committed to producing scientific, accurate, and reliable research data to enable business and government leaders to make informed strategic decisions.

Our B-BBEE status

All business-to-business procurement in South Africa is governed by the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Codes of Good Practice, released by the Department of Trade and Industry in 2007.


We have a Level-1 B-BBEE accreditation and a recognition level of 135%. Here is a copy of our signed affidavit to this effect.

Our accreditation

  • Citizen Surveys abides by the highest ethical and quality standards.


  • We are a member of The Southern African Marketing Research Association (SAMRA) and adhere to its ethical standards.


  • We adhere to the strict standards laid out in the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act 2013 for the protection and storage of confidential personal information.


  • Our systems were accredited to the ISO 9001:2001 standards, and are being updated to ISO 20252 (for Market, Opinion and Social Research companies).


  • We have a Quality Management System quality grading from the Services SETA.


  • Our methods, systems, and processes are being certified by Statistics South Africa (Statistical Quality Assurance Framework).


  • We receive clean data audits from the Auditor-General.