The quality of our research depends on the interface between our people, systems and technology. We have used our years of experience to design the Citizen Surveys Toolkit (CST), an end-to-end survey management system that encompasses all the aspects of a survey, from drawing the sample and designing the questionnaire to reporting on the findings.
CST is method-agnostic – the data management process is the same, irrespective of whether the interviews are conducted on paper, tablets, telephone, mobile phone or online. All modes of data collection can be seamlessly integrated and unified into a single dataset. This applies equally to face-to-face personal surveys (CAPI), telephonic interviews (CATI) and online surveys.
CST also prescribes how we manage all parts of the research process, ending with a clean, fully-vetted dataset and a full audit trail. Each phase of the process is supported by technology we have designed and refined with our years of research experience. Processes are automated wherever possible to reduce error and speed up the reporting processes.
During the current pandemic scenario in South Africa, we have developed a bespoke CACI (computer-assisted cellphone interviews) solution, which is ready for implementation. Our solution is based on more than 15 years of experience and knowledge gained through working with the mobile telecommunications operators and designing scientific large-scale cell phone surveys, and consulting with several academics, including a former Statistician-General.
Collaboratively we have developed a unique multi-stage, stratified probability sampling methodology, which overcomes many of the sampling challenges encountered with cellphone interviews and allows for the probabilities of inclusions and the margin of sampling error to be scientifically determined.
The obtained sample can be benchmarked to Stats SA latest mid-year population estimates and be representative of age, gender, province and geographic type and we are able to calculate and report upon the margin of error.
We have developed an extensive sample listing framework, which is constantly being expanded as new and more refined information is added.
The multi-stage, stratified probability sampling methodology overcomes many of the sampling challenges encountered with cellphone interviews and allows for the probabilities of inclusion and the margin of sampling error to be scientifically determined.
CST contains CAPI, CATI and online survey modules. These run in the Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems, and on Android tablets, with the following features: